Renae’s Red Snapper Quilt Loading System allows you to load quilt tops and backs on machine quilting frames without using pins, zippers or Velcro. One set includes rods, clamps and instructions for 3 rollers. Renae’s Red Snappers fit into your leader casing and the clamps hold the quilt top with the encased rods. This package is all you need to conveniently load your quilts. The Red Snapper Quilt Loading System makes it easy to load your quilt top and bottom onto a quilting frame. No basting or pins needed! Easily attach each layer of your quilt to the leaders using the Red Snapper Quilt Loading System. What's Included with the 10 Foot Set: Nine Rods (38 in) Six Long Clamps (38 in) Six Medium Clamps (18 in) Six Small Clamps (2 in) Six Double Ended Dowel Screws Instructions Compatible with the following Long Arm frames: Baby Lock Kinetic, available in 5, 7, 10, and 12 foot Baby Lock Coronet with 5 foot frame Baby Lock Momentum, retired Baby Lock Pearl, retired